Citations 6
h-index 1
i10-index 0

Monish Keswani

Researcher, Czech Technical University

I am a Researcher at the Czech Technical University in Prague and a member of the Visual Recognition Group working with Prof. Giorgos Tolias. Previously, I have worked as a Research Assistant at Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad with Prof. Vineeth N. Balasubramanian. Before that, I have worked as a Research Assistant at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru with Prof. Anirban Chakraborty

Research Interests
  • Deep Learning and Computer Vision
  • Knowledge Distillation/Transfer
  • Interpretability


Aug 2022 Our work got accepted at WACV 2023 - ARUBA: An Architecture-Agnostic Balanced Loss for Aerial Object Detection
Jun 2022 Served as a sub-reviewer at NeurIPS-2022. Thanks to Prof. Vineeth Balasubramanian.
Jun 2022 Attended CVPR 2022
May 2022 Served as a sub-reviewer at ECCV-2022. Thanks to Dr. Zakaria Laskar.
Apr 2022 Released the code of Proto2Proto
Apr 2022 Joined Visual Recognition Group as a Researcher
Mar 2022 Our work got accepted at CVPR 2022 - Proto2Proto: Can you recognize the car, the way I do?
Oct 2021 Our work got accepted at BMVC 2021 - Beyond Classification: Knowledge Distillation using Multi-Object Impressions
Jul 2021 Attended Visum 2021 summer school and secured 3rd place in the hosted competition
Jul 2021 Served as a sub-reviewer at BMVC 2021. Thanks to Prof. Vineeth B.

selected publications

  1. CVPR
    Proto2Proto: Can you recognize the car, the way I do?
    Keswani, Monish, Ramakrishnan, Sriranjani, Reddy, Nishant, and Balasubramanian, Vineeth N.
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022) 2022
  2. BMVC
    Beyond Classification: Knowledge Distillation using Multi-Object Impressions
    Nayak, Gaurav Kumar*, Keswani, Monish*, Seshadri, Sharan, and Chakraborty, Anirban
    BMVC 2021